On account of favourable Geo-climatic conditions, hard working farmers and ample irrigation facilities, Kolhapur district in Western Maharashtra is known for abundant production of sugarcane. This in turn triggered the establishment of the sugar industry. At the beginning of the eighties, ample arid land came under cultivation due to Doodhganga (Kallammawadi) dam resulting buoyant growth in the cane production. In Kolhapur District more and more farmers were inclined to produce sugar-cane. This exerted undue pressure on the then existing sugar mills in the district, due to which late crushing of sugar cane threw the farmers in embarrassment. The village Hupari and its surrounding area faced this critical circumstances severely. Hence, Hon’ble Kallappanna Awade, a doyen in co-operative movement decided to establish Kallappanna Awade Jawahar Shetkari Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana in the year 1981. However, the condition of minimum distance between two sugar mills proved to be hindrance for the new sugar mill and hence he could not secure an industrial license for about a decade. Further in 1990, the Central Government has taken a policy decision to reduce the distance between two sugar mills to 15 k.m. as against 40 k.m. earlier. In furtherance of this decision, the Government of Maharashtra proclaimed a pragmatic policy of rehabilitation of sugar factories in private sector closed down for want of sugarcane and allow to shift where the cane is surplus through co-operatives. The Government of Maharashtra sanctioned the proposal to transfer of machinery alongwith the Industrial license of 1016 TCD of Godavari Sugar Mills Ltd. Sakarwadi in Ahmednagar district in Maharashtra. Hon’ble Prakash Awade, the then Minister of State for Co-operation, Government of Maharashtra extended every help in getting this permission and accordingly Kallappanna Awade Jawahar Shetkari Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd., Hupari was registered under the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act on 29/1/1990.